by David Discenza | Jul 18, 2023 | The Business Resilience Blog
In today’s digital age, customer data is a valuable asset for businesses. By collecting and analyzing customer data, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. However, collecting and analyzing customer data can be challenging,...
by David Discenza | Feb 9, 2023 | The Business Resilience Blog
As an entrepreneur or business owner, you already know that it’s important to have a strong online presence. After all, potential customers are more likely to find you online than they are through any other channels. But while having an online presence is...
by David Discenza | Jun 7, 2019 | The Business Resilience Blog
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail That quote is familiar to anyone who has ever attempted any project in business, school, or life in general. It’s been attributed to Benjamin Franklin and Sir Winston Churchill, among others. It’s good advice regardless who...
by David Discenza | Oct 1, 2018 | The Business Resilience Blog
Is your business resilient? How would you know? What standard would you use to measure its resiliency? Why should you care? The term “resilience” has become something of a buzzword in business, used so much that its meaning is diluted to the point of...
by David Discenza | Aug 28, 2018 | The Business Resilience Blog
What lessons in disaster preparedness can businesses learn from the 2017 hurricane season? In this guest blog by Laura Toplis, Director of BCP Builder, the results of the FEMA After-Action Report are explored and actionable steps for businesses are listed. The 2017...
by David Discenza | May 24, 2018 | The Business Resilience Blog
The strongest weapon known to deter cyberattacks is not an impenetrable firewall (no such thing). It is not the most advanced anti-virus software. It is not the most resilient, robust IT infrastructure. While all those are vital to a robust cybersecurity program, it...
by David Discenza | Feb 28, 2018 | The Business Resilience Blog
Imagine this situation. You’re working in your office on an average day. There’s nothing out of the ordinary and suddenly you hear “pop, pop, pop”. This is followed by screaming, people running by your office and more “pops”. It’s no longer an average day....
by David Discenza | May 9, 2017 | The Business Resilience Blog
When there is no hurricane, make a hurricane plan Know your hurricane risk. Talk to your local emergency management agency. Make an emergency plan. Build or restock your basic disaster supplies kit, including food and water, a flashlight, batteries, chargers, cash,...
by David Discenza | May 9, 2017 | The Business Resilience Blog
What to do after a hurricane Listen to local officials for updates and instructions. Check-in with family and friends by texting or using social media. Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe. Watch out for debris and downed power lines. Avoid walking or...
by David Discenza | May 9, 2017 | The Business Resilience Blog
What do when a hurricane is less than 6 hours from arriving If you’re not in an area that is recommended for evacuation, plan to stay at home or where you are and let friends and family know where you are. Close storm shutters, and stay away from windows. Flying glass...
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